Camelback Pediatrics  

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Billing Policies

Payment is required at the time of the service.  Cash, check, or credit cards are acceptable forms of payment.  If you are unable to pay the balance due, stop and discuss payment plans with our bookkeeping office.

At each visit a charge ticket will be given to the parent and this shows an itemization of charges for professional services, immunizations, laboratory work and x-rays.  The charge ticket is to be presented to the receptionist and the yellow copy will be given back to you for your record of charges and payments.  This copy serves as the “Attending Physician’s Statement” portion of your insurance claim.  Most insurance companies will accept this receipt.

You will receive a statement for any unpaid co-pays, statement fees, coinsurance, deductibles, or charges your insurance has pended because they need a response from you in order to process the claim.  You are responsible for payment of your account within twenty-eight days from the date of the statement.  We are always willing to help our patients obtain what is due them under various health insurance policies.  We cannot, however, accept responsibility for collecting an insurance claim from a company we are not contracted with or negotiating a disputed claim.

Please be aware that not all health insurance plans provide the same coverage for well and sick visits.  For example, some insurance companies will cover the costs of a yearly physical, well baby exams, immunizations, x-rays, vision and hearing screens.  Other companies do not.  You are ultimately responsible for the services provided to your child.

Patients with health plans that have co-payments for office visits are required to make the co-payment at the time of the visit.  If you have questions concerning your account or insurance claim, please call our office and speak to someone in the business office.


Note: All information at this website is for educational purposes only. For specific medical advice, diagnoses, and treatment, consult your doctor.  Please see our disclaimer.

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